Thursday, April 26, 2012

A History of the World, BRIC by BRIC

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from The Huffington Post.

There are few people who can cut through the haze of official rhetoric and mainstream media propaganda like this author can. He is a master at describing the real power plays on this chessboard of big power politics, also known as the 21st century's Great Game. I truly respect his knowledge of the game. 

Unfortunately, salvation for the human race does not lie in the outcomes of these games. In fact, I think they will lead to the demise of the human race. A positive outcome lies elsewhere--with ordinary people. Are the 99 Percent going to passively wait and see how these games are played out? Or are they going to take control away from the One Percenters who are playing these dangerous games? Stay tuned,,,or better yet, stay active.