Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wall Street has always been War Street

Click here to access article by Mickey Z from World News Trust. 
There's plenty that feels new and fresh about Occupy Wall Street (OWS): the younger participants, the scope of the coalition, the endurance, the creativity, and the outrage. What's not new is the target of that outrage: Wall Street, Corporate America, and the politicians they fund have been at this deadly game for more than a century.
Mic Check: The pursuit of profit long ago transcended national borders and well... anything resembling justice, community, solidarity, or morality.
The headline is especially true if Wall Street is a synonym for capitalism, or its brutal sibling, fascism.

Did you know that the infamous CIA is a direct creation of Wall Street people? Read The Old Boys by Burton Hersh and The Mighty Wurlitzer by Hugh Wilford for the details.