Monday, April 2, 2012

John Stoehr: The myth of freedom in the land of the free [Part 1 of 2]

Click here to access article by John Stoehr from Al Jazeera.

The author addresses the current militarization of local police forces to suppress any opposition to the rule of the One Percent. Thus, there is no longer a need for the current ruling class to call in the Army or the National Guard to suppress dissent.
...the harder they [Occupier protestors] pushed, the harder they were pushed back - with violence. Protesters met with police wearing body armour, face shields, helmets and batons; police legally undermined Americans' right to assemble freely with "non-lethal" weaponry like tear gas, rubber bullets and sonic grenades. There was no need for the president to call in the army. An army, as Mayor Bloomberg quipped, was already there.