Monday, April 2, 2012

Political Imaginaries in Saudi Arabia: Revolutionaries without A Revolution

Click here to access article by Rosie Bsheer from Jadaliyya. 

Here is a report on a subject which is totally suppressed in US mainstream media--anti-regime protests and activities in Saudi Arabia. I was particularly drawn to this statement:
US-trained and armed security forces have been dispatched more thoroughly throughout the country to thwart any potential signs of public gatherings or protests.
Clearly it is to the US security forces that oppressive regimes look to for training to suppress any popular opposition. Likewise, I am sure that US security forces have learned much from Israeli security agencies in their suppression of Palestinians. 

However, in the US the enforcers of the One Percent are curbed to some extent by what is left of Constitutional legal defenses and media reporting. Hence, during the past decades we have witnessed ongoing attacks on these institutions with the result that they offer diminished protection on our ability to oppose the ruling class of the One Percent. It seems clear to me that we must counter this development by organizing our own forms of security and our own media.