Sunday, October 28, 2012

China dangers – sub prime reporting

Click here to access article by David Malone from his blog Golem XIV.

This blogger takes an upbeat article in the Financial Times newspaper, a prime ruling class source of financial and economic information, and applies his critical thinking skills, adds one part British humor, and, viola! He cooks up a delightful dish that is a perfect illustration of how cleverly the One Percent can tell lies.
Of course the public is often lied to by those in power. We only have to look at the slew of lies that made sure we went to war in Iraq.  Those weapons of mass distruction ready to fire within mere minutes but which were never actually found and indeed most probably had never existed even at the time our governments were claiming – and our news organizations were duly reporting – that they had reliable intelligence about the clear and present danger they presented.

But such outright lies are a high risk way of shepherding the sheeple to where they need to be. Rather than get caught telling lies how much better to tell the truth – just not the whole truth.