Sunday, October 28, 2012

America armed to the teeth but living in fear

Click here to access article by Dave Lindorff by Press TV
It’s not just that a whole generation of kids who get regularly belted by their parents, who are warned that if they behave in a certain manner they’ll go to hell, or that their faces will freeze in some horrible contorted way, or that they will be thrown out of the house, are becoming Republicans. It’s that virtually the whole country is populated by adults who have been raised in a climate of fear by a media and a government that are hell-bent on scaring the shit out of everyone. 
The author essentially argues that while our ruling class have built the most powerful military instrument of violence in history, they have also created many citizens who cower like frightened children in a state of near complete passivity while others lose their minds to commit senseless acts of violence. 

Our ruling capitalist class, also known as the One Percent, has by its engineering of 9/11 and other acts created a monster state that drives its citizens with fear to support their policies that lead to the most heinous crimes against humanity and the planet. In addition:
...we Americans are unable to see the real challenge facing not just us, but the entire world: the threat of catastrophic climate change. And that is a very real threat that cannot be avoided by cowering in a basement or by electing some tough-talking chief executive, or by buying guns. It can only be tackled by taking bold united action as a people to change the whole basis of the socio-economic system from one premised on encouraging wasteful consumption to one based upon utility and on bettering the lot of all as efficiently as possible.