Sunday, October 28, 2012

Connecting the dots between 'Frankenstorm' and global warming as extreme weather becomes the new norm

Click here to access article from Climate Code Red.
“Something is definitely up with the weather, and it is clear to me that over the past two years, the climate has shifted to a new state capable of delivering rare and unprecedented weather events. Human emissions of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide are the most likely cause of such a shift in the climate.”
This article does what corporate executives of our media refuse to do: connect the dots to this impending storm and the broader attack on the planet's ecosystem. Of course, the generals leading the attack are the agents of capitalism driven by their mad pursuit of more profits and power. 

Until we eliminate this life destroying economic system, extreme weather events will only accelerate until the planet is no longer fit for humans to live in. Actually, the sad fact is that if we stopped spewing carbon into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would still see more extreme weather for decades to come until most of the carbon blanket that is warming our planet dissipates to a tolerable level. But, at least we as a species probably would survive.