Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Golden Dawn and the deafening silence of Europe

Click here to access article by Jerome Roos from Reflections on a Revolution

The author provides substantial evidence to confirm that neo-Nazism is seriously on the rise in Europe. It appears that the ruling One Percents have no problem with this phenomenon. Is it just a coincidence that whenever and wherever capitalist created "democratic" institutions fail to serve the people, we find this monster rearing its ugly head? I think not!
“Never Again”. Thus was the uniform slogan resounding across Europe after the full scale of Nazi horror became known in the wake of WWII. The cosmopolitan project of European integration was founded upon this promise. Never again would fascists and warmongers be allowed to tear the Old Continent and its people apart.
One day it may therefore be considered one of history’s greatest ironies that, as EU leaders were busy deciding who would collect its Nobel Prize for “the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights,” those same leaders remained woefully silent when a recent survey indicated that the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party now polls third in Greece....
Now we see another aspect of the developing fascist state in Greece as illustrated in the following 4:07m video. It relates to the recent arrest of a Greek journalist for reporting the truth: