Thursday, November 1, 2012

Welcome to the Age of Hell: Entrenching Murder as the American Way

Click here to access article by Chris Floyd from his blog Empire Burlesque.

The author's article is a reaction to a series of three articles recently run in the Washington Post, one of two national "newspapers of record" detailing the ongoing development of targeted killings using drones. The author, like other political liberals, attributes this phenomenon to the Obama administration. This myopic view feeds into a seemingly unending appetite for wallowing in cynicism often found in progressive circles instead of shedding some light on this disturbing subject. Then the author makes matters worse by recommending an article by a UK blogger who goes into an orgy of blaming the American people.

This might be very satisfying to people who like to think of themselves as morally superior human beings, but it does nothing to advance an understanding of the issue, much less contribute toward any solution. 

A much better take on this subject is provided by an editorial in the World Socialist Web Site which captures the essence in this paragraph:
The terminal crisis of American democracy is deeply rooted in the structure of American capitalism, and in particular the vast growth of social inequality. Over the past several decades, a tiny financial aristocracy has monopolized enormous resources on the basis of speculation and increasingly criminal operations. After creating the economic and financial crisis that erupted in 2008, this same social layer is determined to pursue unpopular policies at home and abroad.
Targeted killings via drones, or any other method without due legal process, is a class crime and one among so many that it impossible to list them all. It does not matter whom the ruling class moves into the White House, they will always serve the needs of this ruling class that is addicted to power and profits and their commitment to a system that supplies both--capitalism. The only ultimate solution is revolution. The immediate tasks are to find ways of accomplishing this. Immersing ourselves in cynicism is not one.