Friday, October 19, 2012

NYC: another bogus "terrorism" bust?

Click here to access article by Bill Weinberg from World War 4 Report.

Periodically the agents of the One Percent manage to entrap some young person into a bombing plot. Most are Muslim, young, and induced by some kind of substantial reward. These entrapments always serve a variety of purposes, chief of which is the ongoing promotion of threats to the public which require police forces to "protect" the public, and thus, more expenditures to build a police state. It also continues to frame Muslims as the new next enemy along with domestic anarchists which, in turn, promotes more support for military interventions in the oil-rich Middle East.
You'd never know it from the sensationalist headlines, but the latest supposed near-miss, would-be, almost-was terrorist attack in New York City appears to be yet another highly specious case in which the "terrorist" plot turns out to be a creation of FBI infiltrators.