Friday, October 19, 2012

Wall Street issues its orders to Obama, Romney

Click here to access article by Patrick Martin from World Socialist Web Site.

I must preface my comments on this article with a critical note about a common journalistic practice at this website. This online publication often offers articles which look at the underlying class based motives for various political events--and this is to their credit. There are not many sources on the left that do this as well as they do. What bothers me is that their reports usually omit any links to information that supports their arguments. For that matter, you will have difficulty finding any external links on the website that don't refer back to their organization.

I think this practice is rooted in two basic sources: one, a self-serving motive to discourage people from wandering away from their website. Second, a sectarian disease that infects their entire political framing of issues: they are the font of all political wisdom and therefore they do not need to support their arguments with any documentation.

I do not think that my criticism is a petty one. I think that it directs attention to a fundamental problem found in many leftist organizations. It seems that the habits informed by individualist motives promoted under capitalist indoctrination agencies persist even into those circles most critical of capitalism. Such an orientation tends to support "leaders" and to regard ordinary people with well disguised contempt. This is a another form of authoritarianism which informs capitalist ideology and can wreck much harm in grass-roots based organizations.

Having gotten that off my chest, I recommend this article because it illustrates once again who really runs this country, and cuts through many veils of propaganda and indoctrination that promote "democratic" myths about how our government actually functions. Also, having been printed as an open letter in this primary ideological organ of the One Percent suggests that it is to be taken seriously by all One Percent opinion shapers and makers throughout society.

The letter from bankers referred to in the article can be viewed here. (Note: links to Washington Post articles have a way of disappearing after some time.)