Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Skyfall, starring David Petraeus

Click here to access article by Pepe Escobar from Asia Times Online.

The author uses his inimitable sarcastic humor to ridicule the media's portrayal of Petraeus' downfall as a Hollywood production. And I think, with many others, that it has about as much to do with reality as a Hollywood film.
With US corporate media now totally berserk, the master narrative remains that The Samurai General did the honorable thing by resigning. It all goes back to good ol' American Puritanism. You can be a killing machine, responsible for the death of untold numbers of civilians. But don't you dare betraying your devoted wife.
If you believe this story, then likely you believed all the other Empire productions such as the reasons for going to war against Iraq, all the official reports on the 9/11 tragedy, the Kennedy assassination, etc.