Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The N.Y. Times Imagines Post-Sandy Looters

Click here to access article by Mickey Z. from World News Trust.

The One Percent's media love to feature the most luridly sensational news stories about individuals committing heinous acts against their fellow citizens. They never go into any depth to tease out the circumstances that might have created such incidents. Obviously, the object is to keep citizens from trusting, relying on, and cooperating with one another so that they will never pose an organized threat to the ruling One Percent. After having lived mostly out of the country from 2002 to 2006, upon return I noticed that my fellow Americans seemed significantly more suspicious of each other.

In this article the author provides the latest illustration of this tactic.
Thanks to the corporate media and some imaginary looters, much of the 99% will remain more suspicious of their neighbors than of the global criminals that helped create the impact and aftermath of Sandy.

Corporate media outlets like the New York Times have a vested interest in shattering the links cultivated by solidarity and mutual aid. The 1% maintains power by using its propaganda wing to sow fear, distrust, and paranoia amongst the huddled masses.