Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Another sweetheart bank settlement on mortgage fraud

Click here to access article by Andre Damon from World Socialist Web Site.
Under the de facto protection of the government agencies that are supposed to police them, the banks are allowed to violate securities and other laws knowing that they can treat any fines that may eventually be imposed as part of the cost of doing business.
Of course, the justice system like all other sub-systems in capitalist society, a society by definition ruled by capitalists, necessarily reflect their interests. To hide this fact, their institutions of indoctrination, schools and media, work around the clock to instill in their subjects the belief that they live in some sort of "democracy", and that democracy equals elections. They neglect to mention that their elections consist of having one capitalist, or capitalist agent, run against another for any office. It logically follows, according to their fake theory, that the legal system functions to serve all of society fairly. The astounding thing is--many people believe this garbage!