Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rogue geoengineering could 'hijack' world's climate

Click here to access article by John Vidal from The Guardian
Techniques aimed at averting global warming could lead to an unpredictable international crisis, a report has warned.
This report was issued by the World Economic Forum which is a global capitalist foundation that meets yearly to deal with international conflicts. The 80-page analysis of 50 risks for the next 10 years was issued ahead of the their annual meeting later this month at the Swiss ski resort in Davos, Switzerland. Davos, of course, is a favorite hangout of the world's rich capitalists. Many have 2nd or 3rd homes here. According to Wikipedia...
The foundation is funded by its 1,000 member companies, the typical company being a global enterprise with more than five billion dollars in turnover, although the latter can vary by industry and region. In addition, these enterprises rank among the top companies within their industry and/or country and play a leading role in shaping the future of their industry and/or region.
Climate change related risks ranked lower on their list than the threats posed by the growing disparity between the world's rich (them) and the vast numbers of poor (most of us). You see, they are afraid of us.
The top two global risks identified for the WEF by more than 1,000 business leaders and experts were the growing wealth gap between rich and poor and a major financial economic crisis. But the next three on the list of 50 were environmental, including climate change, and water and food supply crises.
They are aware of the risks posed by capitalists who are inclined to engage in high risk geo-engineering experiments in order to save their beloved system of capitalism.
...a well-funded individual with good intentions may take matters into their own hands....
I regard their willingness to tinker with, and risk, the planet's ecosystem is far more dangerous than WEF seems to. Actually, they seem more worried about lawsuits than the destabilization of the ecosystem.
The authors fear that climate change could become a centre of litigation. "Although the Alaskan village of Kivalina – which faces being "wiped out" by the changing climate – was unsuccessful in its attempts to file a $400m lawsuit against oil and coal companies, future plaintiffs may be more successful.
I really didn't want to read this 80-page report, so instead I decided to see how capitalist sources were reporting it. I only found two. The Business Insider suggested that the report was about "managing catastrophe"; whereas The People's Daily Online stated that "economists and business leaders are pessimistic about solving the fundamental problems faced by the the global economy." 

I share their pessimism. That is precisely why we, the 99 Percent of the world, must act to take away the system of capitalism which supplies them with the hard core drugs of power and profits to which they are hopelessly addicted.