Monday, August 11, 2014

Malaysian press charges Ukraine government shot down MH 17

Click here to access article by Alex Lantier from World Socialist Web Site.

Referring to the Malaysian press charges and other evidence that has been ignored, Lantier writes:

These developments also constitute yet another indictment of the Western media, which have completely blacked out the investigation of the crash of MH17 and the latest material in the New Straits Times. Instead, the elements in the CIA and their Ukrainian proxies driving the war in eastern Ukraine have been able to escalate the confrontation with Russia and demonize Putin, without any of their unsubstantiated accusations of Russian involvement in the MH17 crash being challenged. 

Well, of course, if one realizes that Western media are owned and controlled by the One Percent ruling class, how could one expect any different treatment of this tragedy? This is only one more indication that one must turn to independent journalists, observers, and other reliable sources for information. Kick the mainstream media habit!