Monday, August 11, 2014

US stokes South China Sea tensions at ASEAN summit

Click here to access article by Peter Symonds from World Socialist Web Site.
The Obama administration has used the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum in Burma last weekend to again intensify pressure on Beijing over territorial disputes with neighbouring countries in the South China Sea.
While it's easy to be distracted by all the Empire's war crimes in the Middle East and Ukraine, one should not overlook the fact that our ruling Empire directorate are preparing to confront any and all nations who stand in the way of the Empire's ruling capitalist classes in their quest for control of every valuable resource on earth, cheap labor, and control of markets. 

Let us pray that they don't become so intoxicated with their addiction to power that they provoke a nuclear war. I think mankind would rather die a slow death brought on by their excessive use of fossil fuels which will inevitably result in climate destabilization.