Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Historical Perspective of the 2014 Gaza Massacre

Click here to access article by Ilan Pappe posted on Information Clearing House.

This Israeli historian and author has examined his country's actions from the very beginning of its founding until today; and the evidence he has uncovered, and described in detail in his 2007 book entitled The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, has convinced him that the underlying objective for all Israel government actions toward Palsestinians constitutes a plan of genocide.
The Israeli strategy of branding its brutal policies as an ad hoc response to this or that Palestinian action is as old as the Zionist presence in Palestine itself. It was used repeatedly as a justification for implementing the Zionist vision of a future Palestine that has in it very few, if any, native Palestinians. The means for achieving this goal changed with the years, but the formula has remained the same: whatever the Zionist vision of a Jewish State might be, it can only materialize without any significant number of Palestinians in it. And nowadays the vision is of an Israel stretching over almost the whole of historic Palestine where millions of Palestinians still live.