Monday, August 25, 2014

The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa

Click here to access article by Bruce K. Gagnon from The Plymouth Institute for Peace Research.

The lead sentence is well supported by the rest of the article:
Current US military space policy is primarily geared toward two countries, China and Russia.
I am thoroughly convinced that this is true based on my many years of examining US policies, but especially the accelerated use of psychological operations directed against the public to gain their support for such an insane imperial policy. When I occasionally watch mainstream media "news" reports of domestic and world events, I am now seeing an overwhelming content of lies.

The implication of these truths is that we are living in a very dangerous world. Here from my vantage point in the US, I witness my fellow Americans being manipulated this way and that, but mostly dumbed-down to the specter that is haunting humanity--a global conflagration.