Friday, August 22, 2014

US Begins Selling "Syria Intervention" Using ISIS Pretext

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from Land Destroyer Report.

Cartalucci uncovers evidence that the US is using their "humanitarian bombing" in Iraq as a cover for going into Syria.

Following this he reveals once again how effective ruling class propaganda machinery is to mislead the gullible American public into supporting their war crimes.
The utter madness of US policy in the Middle East, and indeed around the world, is enabled by both public ignorance and apathy. It enables US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to stand in front of the world and shamelessly claim:
ISIL [ISIS] is as sophisticated and well-funded as any group that we have seen," Hagel said. "They're beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. Oh, this is beyond anything that we've seen. So we must prepare for everything.
That the public never asks just how ISIS could achieve such regional prominence despite hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, weapons, and military backing allegedly being funneled to "moderate opposition" in Syria indicates a vast chasm between reality and where public opinion stands.