Friday, August 22, 2014

Western-NATO ‘Machinations’ Propel Death Squad ISIS, As Iraqi PM Maliki Forced Out Amidst Division

Click here to access article by Shawn Helton from 21st Century Wire.

Empire operatives seem to be working overtime in many places and using every conceivable weapon in their vast arsenals to increase their domination of the world, and enhance their financial statements. If they weren't committing so many major crimes against humanity, one would have to admire their skill at deceiving the public while accomplishing their agendas. This article focuses on one of their latest, and most brilliant operations using their manufactured terrorist organization ISIS while executing "humanitarian bombing" missions.
There has been a media firestorm over the Islamic State radical terror thugs, as Western outlets have been busy displaying dramatic pictures of mass-executions as ‘evidence’ of their takeover in Iraq, their bizarre victory parades, the heavily staged video productions,  along with their online merchandising campaign blamed for funding their rise. The ‘ISIS Crisis’ is a multilayered narrative that is partly real and partly fiction and is being used as yet another pretext to ramp-up military budgets and security threats throughout Europe and the US. Most of the ‘mass execution’ images put forward by the media have long since been exposed as a fraud but this hasn’t stopped US-European media ‘experts’ or US State Department and UK Foreign Office officials from continuing to fraudulently push this seemingly cooked up terror narrative.