Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Snowden filmmaker Laura Poitras: ‘Facebook is a gift to intelligence agencies’

Click here to access article by Andrea Peterson from Washington Post.

In this interview filmmaker Laura Poitras talks about the just released documentary Citizenfour, her concerns about government surveillance, the dangers of Facebook, and encryption codes to counter surveillance. In relation to the latter she remarks about the important role that the Freedom of the Press Foundation is playing to develop encryption codes.

I am bothered a bit about this article appearing in a major ruling class news source, but it offers some very interesting observations about these issues. I did a preliminary check of the Freedom of the Press Foundation and could find no evidence of direct or indirect ruling class funding.

Poitras's comment about Facebook being a gift to intelligences agencies has always seemed so obvious to me. Nevertheless I tried it for a brief period back in 2006, filled out information on myself that was completely fictitious, and concluded that it was indeed a gift to these agencies.