Tuesday, October 28, 2014

This is Your Ocean on Acid

Click here to access article by Mickey Z. from World News Trust. 

This author clearly understands the environmental emergency that we humans are now facing, and can no longer ignore--except at our peril. He correctly identifies the force that is destroying all life as it destroys the habitat for all living things, including us humans--capitalism. We, of course, are a small part of the web of all life on Earth, but we are having major destabilizing impacts. If we allow this system and its addicts to continue operating, we will continue destroying this web that sustains all life, including ours. In this piece he focuses on one major part of the web of life--the oceans. He concludes with a warning to liberals and capitalist reformers:
So yeah, it’d be great if corporations paid more taxes or if single-payer health care were enacted but such changes would ultimately fall into the proverbial Titanic/deck chair category if our oceans are not restored and respected -- now.