Thursday, January 15, 2015

FBI Thwarts Terror Plot on Capitol (That They Planned)

Click here to access article by Eric Blair from Activist Post. 
The FBI initially found a patsy by trolling Twitter for support of ISIS. That's exciting because finding someone retarded enough to admit support for murderers is really difficult. Then they sent an in-house jihadist to team up with the patsy to plan a grand terror attack on the nation's Capitol. Heroically, the moment the 20-year-old patsy said he would "go forward with violent jihad" the FBI steps in and declares a victory in the war on terror.
Well, it seems that our masters have decided to keep the "terror show" continuing in the US in order to keep us in a state of fear so that we will accept more surveillance, foreign military adventures, more austerity, and loss of civil rights. 

See also this.