Thursday, January 15, 2015

Russia Cuts Off Ukraine Gas Supply To 6 European Countries

Click here to access article by Tyler Durden from Zero Hedge

It appears that Victoria Nuland-Kagan's comment, "Fuck the EU", is finally coming true. She made this remark in February 2014 during the infamous intercepted phone conversation with another US diplomat in which they were discussing which Ukrainian puppet the US should support. This was reported on ABC News, but of course the context of the discussion was totally missing. 
Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut supplies to and through Ukraine amid accusations, according to The Daily Mail, that its neighbor has been siphoning off and stealing Russian gas. Due to these "transit risks for European consumers in the territory of Ukraine," Gazprom cut gas exports to Europe by 60%, plunging the continent into an energy crisis "within hours." Perhaps explaining the explosion higher in NatGas prices (and oil) today, gas companies in Ukraine confirmed that Russia had cut off supply; and six countries reported a complete shut-off of Russian gas.