Sunday, January 18, 2015

In the Charlie Hebdo psyop double standards, logical fallacies and crass ignorance are everywhere

Click here to access article by "The Saker" from The Vineyard of the Saker

There has much been written about what The Saker refers to as a psyop, but this passionate essay is one of the best. I am posting this as another antidote to the poison being so widely spread by Empire directors to exploit this latest "terrorist" incident in order to curtail more civil liberties and justify more military adventures. We must use the internet to fight back!
When considering any aspects of the Charlie Hebdo psyop you will inevitably find that double standards and logical fallacies are everywhere.  That some speech is freer then other, that some victims matter more then others, that some atrocities are more atrocious then others and that some pain gets more respect then other.  But the worst for me is this sickening solidarity with those who made insulting others into some kind of noble feat, these "heroes" are lionized for their "courage" to generate real moral pain in others.  I see nothing noble in that at all and the fact that they were brutally and viciously murdered by, apparently, a gang of Takfiri freaks does not make then anyway more respectful.