Sunday, January 18, 2015

Leave fossil fuels buried to prevent climate change, study urges

Click here to access article by Damian Carrington from The Guardian.

The study they are referring to is posted in Nature (PDF), a professional scientific journal and website, and is being made freely accessible to the public. The editors apparently made this exception to their standard paywall website because they felt that the content merited this exception. 

The scientists in the Nature study reached the following conclusion:
...these results demonstrate that a stark transformation in our understanding of fossil fuel availability is necessary. Although there have previously been fears over the scarcity of fossil fuels, in a climate-constrained world this no longer a relevant concern: large portions of the reserve base and an ever greater proportion of the resource base should not be produced if the temperature rise is to remain below 2°C.
However, for those of us not sufficiently trained in the physical sciences, The Guardian provides us with their summary of the findings.
Vast amounts of oil in the Middle East, coal in the US, Australia and China and many other fossil fuel reserves will have to be left in the ground to prevent dangerous climate change, according to the first analysis to identify which existing reserves cannot be burned.

The new work reveals the profound geopolitical and economic implications of tackling global warming for both countries and major companies that are reliant on fossil fuel wealth.
However, notice in the last paragraph how limited the liberal Guardian is in comprehending scientific findings that conflict with capitalist ideology. The article does not mention the real profound implications the study has for capitalism which requires relatively cheap sources of energy to fuel its insatiable appetite for unlimited growth. (This phenomenon is what is often referred to as self-censorship. The Guardian fired Nafeez Ahmed, the last environmental columnist, who refused to censor himself.) The editors of The Guardian who depend on advertising revenues would not want to damage the source of their funding even if their board of directors, who are likely thoroughly embedded in the system, would permit mention of such "profound geopolitical and economic implications". Our masters in the One Percent whose wealth and power depends on the system of capitalism would not want you to be influenced by such subversive thoughts.

Thus, you will find that the study along with all the other scientific findings will be diminished, ignored, or denied by our masters who are thoroughly addicted to the drugs of power and wealth that the current system delivers to them. The ultimate, dramatic implication is that the responsibility to change things lies with us in the Ninety-Nine Percent, the people who are not addicted to such powerful drugs. If we fail to take on this responsibility to create a sustainable economic system, we humans will surely perish (along with many other species) from the Earth. 

Save the Humans!