Sunday, February 8, 2015

American Workers ‘Roadkill’ for Lobbyists, Immigration Lawyers

Click here to access article by Wolf Richter from Wolf Street. 

Referring to the H-1B Program which is often portrayed to the gullible public as protecting American workers from losing their job to foreign workers, Richter writes about a provision of the act which actually makes this legal:
This provision makes it perfectly legal to replace an American at will by an H-1B worker if that worker is paid more than $60,000 or has a master’s degree. You hire a worker with a notorious “Master’s in Computer Applications” from an Indian diploma mill, and you can replace an American. Or, you pay more than $60,000 (the average programmer wage in LA is over $90,000) and you can do the same.

And thus, American workers remain roadkill for lobbyists and immigration lawyers.
Meanwhile, corporations such as Southern California Edison are taking advantage by replacing American workers.