Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stop kidding yourself: SYRIZA is an unlikely model for the U.S. Left

Click here to access article by Jehu from The Real Movement. 

The author challenges the hoopla we are witnessing in liberal-left circles in the US over the latest hope for radical change: Syriza party in Greece.
Briefly stated, any serious examination of SYRIZA’s victory will show that victory was a triumph for many of the principles on which neoliberalism is founded.
Also, read Pepe Escobar's take on what's happening to Greece.
It is now crystal clear the ECB will pull no punches to turn Greece into a European failed state. The rationale: others – from Spain to even, in the near future, France – must not entertain funny ideas. Toe the austerity line, or we’ll get medieval on you.