Tuesday, February 10, 2015

French Website Shutdown Law Decried as Attack on Free Speech

Click here to access article by Nadia Prupis from Common Dreams.

Here we see another measure from Empire puppets in Europe to circumvent their much heralded "rule of law" and to replace it with ruling class bureaucratic directives. Apparently their legal system was not sufficiently efficient in enforcing their will upon the French Ninety-Nine Percent. Can you now see how effective the use of "terrorist" incidents are in promoting such actions? One might be tempted to think, if one were a member of this ruling class, that creating such incidents might be good for the nation, and incidentally, one's interests. (sorry--a bit of sarcasm)
A new law enacted Monday in France will allow the government to shut down websites without a court order, in a move that officials say will help combat terrorism and child pornography but which civil liberties advocates warn threatens free speech rights.

The law, which has been under consideration for years, gained new traction after last month's attack against the Charlie Hebdo magazine headquarters in Paris.