Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tsipras pledges to fight austerity but ‘observe euro norms’ as bankers prepare to stonewall Syriza

Click here to access article by Fred Goldstein from Workers World. 
Right now the Syriza leaders are publicly underestimating the enemy. Instead, preparations for a financial and economic assault should be underway. And all revolutionary forces in Greece should be looking for ways to unite in the struggle in the face of the crisis. This applies especially to the working-class organizations and the strategically situated trade unions, which have a glorious history of resisting political reaction, repression and exploitation.

Any strong initiative taken by the Greek masses to ward off the coming attacks would undoubtedly resonate in southern Europe and other European countries. Taking a struggle initiative in Greece is the most certain way to generate international solidarity.

The struggle against austerity and economic strangulation must lead down the path of class struggle and working-class organization for defense of the people.