Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sami Al-Arian, Professor Who Defeated Controversial Terrorism Charges, is Deported from U.S.

Click here to access article by Murtaza Hussain and Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept.

This provides an excellent illustration that the US ruling class under Zionist influence will prosecute thought and free speech crimes to the fullest extent that they can get away with. The way Al-Arian was treated by US authorities for advocating Palestinian causes can be described as kafkaesque--his experience reads like a horror story.
Describing his visceral, firsthand experience of America’s eroding democratic values Al-Arian said, “I came to the United States because I valued living as a free person, one who is able to advocate in a democratic society. Unfortunately, the U.S. has been turning into a less free society, a police and surveillance state, especially after 9/11.”