Thursday, March 19, 2015

Breaking the Resistance with Terrorism and Proxy Wars

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from New Eastern Outlook.

There is so much deliberate confusion and obfuscation purveyed in Western media about the nature of the numerous conflicts in Syria and adjacent areas. Draitser makes a constructive contribution toward understanding the geopolitical realities of these conflicts.
The US-NATO-GCC-Israel alliance has not needed to put its own boots on the ground to achieve its strategic objectives. Instead, it is relying on irregular warfare, proxy terror wars, and small-scale destabilizations to achieve by stealth what it cannot achieve with military might alone.

But it remains paramount for all those interested in peace to make these connections, to understand the broad outlines of this vast covert war taking place. To see a war in Syria in isolation is to misunderstand its very nature. To see ISIS alone as the problem is to completely misread the essence of the conflict. This is a battle for regional hegemony, and in order to attain it, the Empire is employing every tool in the imperial toolkit, with terrorism being one of the most effective.