Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Washington’s War on Russia

Click here to access article by Mike Whitney from CounterPunch.
The United States cannot allow Russia reap the benefits of its own vast resources. Oh, no. It has to be chastised, it has to be bullied, it has to be sanctioned, isolated, threatened and intimidated. That’s how the [capitalist] system really works. The free market stuff is just horsecrap for the sheeple.

Russia is going to have to deal with chaotic, fratricidal wars on its borders and color-coded regime change turbulence in its capital. It will have to withstand reprisals from its trading partners, attacks on its currency and plots to eviscerate its (oil) revenues. The US will do everything in its power to poison the well, to demonize Putin, to turn Brussels against Moscow, and to sabotage the Russian economy.

Divide and conquer, that’s the ticket.
What Whitney really explains is that in this advanced stage of capitalism, the Empire's capitalist directors really have no choice but to impose chaos on Russia. But, the knowledgeable and peace loving workers of the world have choices, and they need to start making them now.