Tuesday, March 10, 2015

‘F—k the EU,’ Revisited

Click here to access article by Justin Raimondo from AntiWar.

Raimondo finds evidence in major German media to indicate that Europeans are starting to resent the Empire's aggressive actions in Europe to stir up more conflict.
The Germans...are waking up to the reality of Washington’s domination – because they, after all, will be in the free-fire zone if and when an actual shooting war erupts between Russia and the US. That they will be happy to be America’s pawns in such a deadly game is rather doubtful. If the Strobe Talbotts of this world insist on a new cold war, then we will see a revival of Euro-neutralism – and that’s a good thing. Perhaps the time for a true European declaration of independence is not far – a circumstance in which case Nuland’s "F—k the EU" will take on new meaning.