Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kerry Re-writes History of U.S. Support for Color Revolutions

Click here to access article by Wayne Madsen from Strategic Culture Foundation.

Madsen catches Kerry in making a huge lie recently in Geneva. Of course, lying is completely normal for our Empire builders, but this is a lie that ranks at the top of the list of the most horrendous. It attempts to hide the grossest war crimes perpetrated by our masters. Color revolutions have resulted in the destruction of entire nations: they become either totally dysfunctional like Libya or torn apart like the former Yugoslavia. In the reported examples he cites, we have seen evidence of terrorist paramilitaries (including snipers) funded and armed by either NGOs or the CIA, civil wars resulting in millions of refugees, destruction of cities, and many millions of deaths. If these are not war crimes, then I don't know what constitutes a war crime.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry either has a blind spot when it comes to the last 15 years of U.S. foreign policy or he told a big whopping lie in Geneva. Kerry, in defining U.S. action in Ukraine, said that "We [the United States] are not involved in multiple color revolutions".