Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Forget Hillary’s Emails, Here’s Her Real Scandal That Nobody is Talking About

Click here to access article by Nick Bernabe from The Anti-Media.

I think Bernabe goes much too far with this argument:
Here’s the plain truth: Hillary Clinton is largely responsible for the complete destruction of an entire nation. 50,000 or more people have died thanks to what’s been dubbed “Hillary’s War” in Libya.
I hope that this was not done deliberately to deflect attention away from a dramatic event in the US power structure. I am referring to a policy coup within the directorship of the US Empire: the Zionist-conservative (also known as "neocons") coup. This coalition of Israeli collaborators and weapons manufacturers first infiltrated the power structure by cultivating a relationship in the latter 1970s early 1980s with former Sen. Henry (Scoop) Jackson from Washington state. (See this posting which contains some very valuable links.) Since then we have seen the operation of Gladio 2: a series of phony wars on terror and the secret use of terrorist armies to advance Empire and Israeli interests.

Hillary Clinton merely signed onto this already well-formed faction within the power structure for opportunistic reasons. This move to make a big issue of her use of a personal email account to conduct government business is very likely based purely on inter-party superficial politics that we often see in the run-up to elections. Corporate media also love to deflect the public's attention away from real political issues onto superficial "scandals" like this.

Hillary is by no means an important player in the Empire's directory most of whom function behind the scenes. Empire directors love to play on the populist and liberal fantasies of Americans. They did this when Rockefeller/Brzezinski backed Jimmy Carter who was presented to Americans as a Baptist peanut farmer from Georgia. And, of course, they've done this with Obama who was used as "racial" candidate to show how racially tolerant we Americans are even though he was mostly raised by his white banker grandmother and educated and indoctrinated in elite private schools. Appearances are all that matter to corporate media managers. They're primary role is to get Americans to buy toothpaste, cars, and candidates. For several years they have been marketing Hillary by presenting her to us as a "feminist" candidate in order to satisfy a desire among most Americans who want real equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race, or class.