Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Another "Let's Ally With Nusra" Campaign

Click here to access article by Bernhard from Moon of Alabama.
The new campaign started with a claim in a Reuters piece, based solely on a the words of one unreliable Syrian "rebel" and anonymous Qatari sources, that Jabhat [al-Nusra] might loosen ties with al-Qaeda central in exchange for Qatari money and "western" help. Latter an official Jabhat al-Nusra paper only somewhat denied that. Then two pieces by "western" experts were launched which both try to sell al-Qaeda in Syria as the "good" side that deserves "our" support. These are not, like earlier, slightly hidden propaganda suggestions but straight out arguments to ally with al-Qaeda. 
At the BBC site one Dr. Roberts is arguing for better relations with Jabhat al Nusra.