Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Putin signs law ratifying BRICS Bank

Click here to access article from The BRICS Post.

"This could be the start of something big", which was a popular song in my youth could well be an understatement regarding this development among the BRICS nations to free themselves from the Empire's IMF, World Bank, and the US dollar. While it will be good for these countries, we must all "pray" that the action will not tip our mad Empire directors over the edge to even think about launching a nuclear attack. Given that the two financial institutions and the US dollar are critical components of Empire hegemony, and world hegemony has been the obsession of our masters since the end of WWII, this action could trigger such thoughts.

The BRICS Bank launched last year will fund infrastructure projects in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and challenge the dominance of the Western-led World Bank and the IMF.

The Agreement will enter into force and the Bank will begin operations only after all member countries deposit their instruments of ratification with Brazil.