Saturday, April 4, 2015

A nanny for your dog: the new must-have of the super-rich

Click here to access article by Joe Shute from The Telegraph. (satire)

This is another contribution to my occasional practice on Saturdays to run articles about lifestyles of the rich ruling classes also known as the One Percent (actually .01 of the 1%, or one out of every 10,000 of us) who, under the rules of capitalism, essentially "own" the economy in which we work--in effect, we all work for them to support their lifestyle. 

I hope that by doing this that we don't lose touch with their world and their concerns--you know, to promote better understanding. It is important that we become better acquainted so that we can serve them better and make it easier for them to carry out the daily burden of making important decisions, decisions which affect whether we go off to war in foreign lands to kill their enemies, if we have jobs, if we live in a home or under a bridge, if we can afford their health care services, education, etc.

Unfortunately, for some reason they tend to hide their lives from the rest of us behind walls of secrecy, literal walls of guarded gated communities, private clubs, esoteric publications, by traveling with private jets, etc. We should not let that deter us. 

In this piece we learn of a new job opportunity that could offer a career and hope for many of us in the 99 Percent who are unemployed. Yes, a career as a nanny for rich people's dogs. Okay, so this isn't your dream job, but it will put food on table. So, check it out.
...the new “must have” for the super-rich. We’re not talking casual staff employed to take the little darlings for brisk strolls through Kensington Palace Gardens, but people like Ms Verschuren who are recruited to actually live with the dog 24-hours a day, feeding, washing, grooming and even sharing a room.