Saturday, June 6, 2015

Happiest Place on Earth? Disney forces laid-off employees to train low-paid replacements

Click here to access article by "james321" from Daily Kos. (I am posting news of this event here rather than the NY Times because the latter requires (free) registration that many of you may not have.)

Since this happened the Disney stock reportedly went up 236%. This always happens when a corporation lays off numerous workers or, in this case, hires cheap foreign workers to replace American workers. This illustrates the phony claims that corporations always make about their interest in creating jobs. The reality is that jobs are a cost of doing business which cuts into profits. Hence corporations are always looking for ways to cut costs by replacing workers with machines or hiring cheaper labor. So, whenever corporations like Shell advertise that you should support environmentally destructive projects because they will create jobs, think of reports like this.