Sunday, June 7, 2015

NATO Is Creating Military Blocs to Chip Away Russia's Interests

Click here to access article by Andrew Korybko from Russia Insider.

On Friday in a post commentary I wrote: 
...we see that the Empire's war lords are continuing to taunt Russia by planting stories in mainstream media suggesting additional nuclear threats directed toward Russia. Are they trying to intimidate Russian leaders or to bait a Russian aggressive response? Surely they can't be so ignorant as to believe that they can intimidate Russian leadership. Or, are they looking for excuses to ramp up their nuclear weapons in Europe in preparation for a war against Russia? 
This article looks like a well-informed response to those important questions and other questions about why the Empire is pursuing so many aggressive actions against Russia. Likewise Korybko's views might also apply toward an earlier posted article entitled "Why Is Obama Goading China?" by Mike Whitney. 

It looks like the directors of the Empire have only one response to the rise of China and Russia as the two leading countries that are seen as a challenge to the Empire's domination of the world: the threat of violent force via sponsorship of terrorist armies, subversion, NATO alliances in Europe, and military bases in, and alliances with, vassal countries in the Pacific. This, of course, together with militarized police forces at home, is wholly consistent with the inevitability of advanced capitalism, which is the engine of the Empire's system, devolving into fascism.