Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Social Cost of Capitalism

Click here to access article by Paul Craig Roberts from Information Clearing House. 

I keep being astounded by what comes from the pen of this former official in Reagan's Department of the Treasury. He even attacks "regulated capitalism"! In this piece he takes issue with both the right-wing libertarians and progressives in the US. He correctly calls them "romanticists".
Our romanticists need to learn how less valuable lands are traded for more valuable public lands in order to transfer wealth from the public to private hands. They need to learn that allowing ranchers to utilize public lands results in habitat destruction and the destruction of stream banks and aquatic life. They need to understand that the heads of the federal protective agencies themselves are timber, mining, and ranching operatives who work for private companies and not for the public. Americans of all persuasions need to understand that just as senators and representatives are bought and paid for by the military/security complex, Wall Street, and the Israel Lobby, they are owned also by mining, timber and ranching interests.