Thursday, August 13, 2015

US’s Saudi Oil Deal from Win-Win to Mega-Loose (sic)

Click here to access article by F. William Engdahl from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: I realize that "loose", as he used the word, seems to be rapidly entering the English language through frequent (mis-)usage, but I resist. The correct hyphenated word should have been "Mega-Lose". See conventional definitions of "lose" and "loose".)

Are Saudi leaders becoming mavericks while deviating from the grand strategies of the Empire? Engdahl finds evidence to suggest the affirmative.
Who would’ve thought it would come to this? Certainly not the Obama Administration, and their brilliant geo-political think-tank neo-conservative strategists. John Kerry’s brilliant “win-win” proposal of last September during his September 11 Jeddah meeting with ailing Saudi King Abdullah was simple: Do a rerun of the highly successful State Department-Saudi deal in 1986 when Washington persuaded the Saudis to flood the world market at a time of over-supply in order to collapse oil prices worldwide, a kind of “oil shock in reverse.” In 1986 was successful in helping to break the back of a faltering Soviet Union highly dependent on dollar oil export revenues for maintaining its grip on power.

So, though it was not made public, Kerry and Abdullah agreed on September 11, 2014 that the Saudis would use their oil muscle to bring Putin’s Russia to their knees today.

It seemed brilliant at the time no doubt.