Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ecomodernism is Anti-Progress – A View from Asia

Click here to access article by Chandran Nair from degrowth (Germany).

"Ecomodernism" appears to be derived from a recently published paper entitled "An Ecomodernist Manifesto" which has been authored mostly by Western authors. Nair who was born in India and now resides in Singapore presents "A View from Asia". Ecomodernism appear to be another attempt to convince us that science and technological developments will overcome climate destabilization and environmental degradation caused by capitalism.
...the idea rooted in the modern western liberal narrative that free markets and technological advancements, coupled with individual freedoms and the singular pursuit of wealth should be left unfettered to allow for the human condition to realise its full potential, and thereby overcome all our challenges, is a lie. In many ways the ‘manifesto’ is not modern at all. It is anti-progress.