Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What Does Russia Want in Syria?

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from his blog Land Destroyer Report.

The author explains with documentation how the US capitalist Empire is using its own aggressive and expansionist actions as a propaganda weapon ascribed to Russia. With the Empire's phony war against ISIS and their lies and war crimes becoming clearer as they attempt to topple the Syrian government, their propagandists seem to be becoming increasingly desperate to hide their ultimate goals of eliminating any powers, especially Russia and China, that stand in their way of global domination. 

Once a capitalist class gains control over a nation or complex of nations such as the US dominated Empire (NATO) and become addicted to power and profits while piling on debts, there is only one way out for them: keep launching wars to secure resources, markets, profits, power, and pay off these debts; and eliminate all those who stand in their way. 

The capitalist Axis powers were another would-be Empire to attempt this, but they were up against the Anglo-American capitalist Empire. The end result was WWII. Future wars will be far more devastating and climate destabilization inevitable with the growth imperative of capitalism. With the Russian air force now active over Syria, conflict with US Empire forces has become a real possibility.

The only way for ordinary citizens to save themselves from the ravages of war and climate destabilization is to end the rule of the capitalist system and construct a new system under grassroots control and able to exist in harmony with the natural limits of a finite planet. At this point in time the future of humans does not look promising.