Friday, January 1, 2016

Double dilemma for Paris climate deal

Click here to access article by Alex Kirby from Climate News Network
Within days of the conclusion of the Paris Agreement at the UN talks in mid-December, two leading US scientists have cast serious doubt on its ability to avert dangerous levels of climate change.

One, James Hansen, says that to think world leaders are doing something significant about the problem is “baloney”, and urges the use of nuclear power and every other form of energy which does not involve the release of carbon.

The other, Michael Mann, argues that the world is “closer to the dangerous 2°C warming mark than many experts acknowledge”, and that continuing global carbon dioxide emissions from human activities at present rates will commit the Earth to 2°C in less than three years from now. 
Although Hansen is an honest and highly qualified climate scientist, he has also been brainwashed by capitalist propaganda that insists on economic growth regardless of consequences.