Friday, January 1, 2016

Revolutionary Transgressions: an Interview With Margaret Randall

Click here to access article by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz from CounterPunch

Dunbar-Ortiz interviews a very prominent woman activist of my generation who demonstrated the best qualities of activists in those heady days when we aspired to deep changes in the world according to revolutionary ideals. I am referring to a rejection of conventional thought which held obeisance to corporate hegemony and commercial culture, to act on behalf of inclusiveness and social justice rather than exclusiveness and the individualistic pursuit of wealth and advantage over others.

It was an uphill battle against a growing capitalist monster-empire that was intent upon smashing everywhere every expression of independent thought and deed that might interfere with their global agenda. Margaret Randall was one of those who fought so courageously against this monster and suffered for it. Yet, she survived and triumphed. 

In this interview Dunbar-Ortiz describes another heroic woman, with whom she was acquainted, who fought for revolutionary ideals in Cuba, accomplished so much, but in the end took her own life in the process. Fighting for revolutionary ideals is a hazardous path to embark on, but it is living a very meaningful life because it is dedicated to the most fundamental truth: humans can only survive by caring for each other and their environment. All of these women--the interviewer Dunbar-Ortiz, Margaret Randall, and Haydée Santamaría of Cuba--have lived heroic lives by taking this revolutionary path.