Tuesday, March 8, 2016

U.S. Regime, in Violation of International Law, Sets Up Air Base in North Hasakah, Splitting the Political and Territorial Integrity of Syria

Click here to access article from the real SyrianFreePress Network.

I imagine some readers will object to this article because its source is obviously biased in favor of Syria. My response is that Syria is a legitimate government that is another target of regime change by the Empire and its close collaborators in the Mid-East. I have posted a number of articles that support this position, and I think that the following 12:11m video offers an excellent summary of facts regarding the conflict in Syria. 

This article relates to, and is corroborated by, a number of other articles which have reported on the Empire's "Plan B" for Syria (see this, this, and this). 
The truth about creating this pirate base on Syrian territory is that the US is in practice already splitting the political and territorial integrity of Syria, making a completely illegal action, outside of any international mandate, within a project we can define a prerequisite for the Saudi-Qatari pipelines to Turkey and Europe.