Friday, September 9, 2016

9/11 Suspects: Robert Baer

Click here if you wish to access this 6:32m video which was posted by James Corbett, or access the transcript which he provides with his post.

As we approach the 15th anniversary of 9/11, many bloggers are addressing the government's interpretation of this event and its resistance to any questioning of their interpretation. Many like Corbett, who is posting this series, are going further by naming people who have participated in what appears to be a coverup of the tragic event, or evidence implicates them in the planning or execution of the event, or in this case an "accessory after the fact" and therefore can be considered criminal suspects in the crime (thus far) of the century. However, I think that Baer knows to keep his mouth shut in order to preserve his comfortable retirement or even his life when crimes are committed by the ruling class.